

Explain the global and Indian market scenario - ERP


ERP market is a very competitive and fast growing market. According to AMR research the enterprise resource planning (ERP) market is experiencing double digit growth in 2007, and is expected to continue to grow at an average rate of 10% over the next five years. As the technologies of e-Business and ERP effective ERP system will be a critical component to an enterprises success. For e-Business system to be truly effective they must be applied to an optimized ERP system so that enterprise can take advantage of increasing web and collaboration focused business processes in future. 

Indian Scenario

The Indian scenario of ERP system is a bit different here small and medium sized businesses are the major force that pushes the growth. The requirement of each company differs in terms of standard industry practices and unique practices. Hence, there is greater demand for componentized solutions with stand modules. 

Indian Advantage 

In today‟s‟ era where MNC is at top like SAP and Oracle Indian vendors are not left behind. Indian ERP vendors have a better understanding of the local landscape and are in a better position to provide solutions with the right mix of functionality, technology and pricing for the Indian customer.