

Explain ERP success inhibitors and success accelerators.

ERP success inhibitors

We have seen the different objective, phases and strategies for implementing an ERP system. Yet many ERP implementations fail miserable during the initial stages of the operational phase itself or fail or deliver the promised benefits. Why does this happen? Given below are some of the most common reasons 

    a. Lack of top management buy-in, commitment and support 

    b. Improper planning and budgeting 

    c. Use of wrong ERP tool 

    d. Lack of training and 

     e. Work culture of the organization. 

ERP success Accelerators 

Accelerators are pre-configured versions of an ERP software solution, usually based on specific industry verticals. Some vendors also provide tools designed to accelerate the configuration process by providing lists of standard questions that their functional consultants use to configure the software to meet a client‟s business requirements. Three common misconceptions about ERP software accelerators

    a. People and Business processes are the challenge, not the software 

    b. „Pre-configuration‟ may or may not meet your specific requirements 

    c. Decision making and executive alignment can not be automated or accelerated


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