

Types of Network Topology With Diagram, Advantages and Disadvantages

Network Topology

Network topology refers to the physical layout of the network i.e. the locations of the computers and how the cable is run between them. 

To select the right topology for how the network will be used is very important. 

Each topology has its own strength and weaknesses. 

Types of Network Topology 



  • This is a form of LAN architecture is which nodes on a network are connected to a common central hub or switch, and this is done by the use of dedicated links. 
  • In this kind of topology all the cables run from the computers to the central location where they are all connected by a device called hub or switch (or host node). 
  • Each computer on a star network communicates with a central device that resends the message either to each computer or only to the destination computer, e.g. if it is a hub then it will send to all and if it is a switch then it will send to only destination computer. 
  • When network expansion is expected and when the greater reliability is needed, star topology is the best.
  • Each node is connected to single centrally located file server using its own dedicated segement of cable this topology has the advantage of minimum data trophic along the cables . thus providing optimum performance but because a single machine must coordinate all the data communication this topology required and extremily powerfull and expensive file server .

Advantages of STAR TOPOLOGY : 

1) It is easy to modify and add new computers without disturbing the rest of the network. 

2) The center of the star network is a good place to diagnose the faults. 

3) Single computer failure does not necessarily bring down the whole star network. 

Disadvantages of STAR TOPOLOGY

1) If the central device (or the host node) fails the whole network fails to operate. 

2) Star networking is expensive because all network cables must be pulled to one central point, requires more cable than other network topologies.


  • This topology is a simple design and consists of a single cable that forms the main data path in the shape of a ring. Each device is connected to a closed loop of cable. Signals travel in one direction from one node to all other nodes around the loop. 
  • In this type each computer is connected to the next computer with the last one connected to the first. 
  • Each retransmits what it receives from the previous computer. The message flows around the ring in one direction. 
  • The ring network does not subject to signal loss problem as a bus network experiences. 
  • There is no termination because there is no end to the ring.
  • In the ring topology computer are arrange in a circil data trouble around the ring in one direction with each device on the ring actingas repeator ring network tyipically use a token passing protocol.

Advantages of RING TOPOLOGY

1) Each node has equal access. 

2) Capable of high speed data transfer. 

Disadvantages of RING TOPOLOGY

1) Failure of one computer on the ring can affect the whole network. 

2) Difficult to troubleshoot the network.


  • In the bus topology the server is at one end, and the client PCs (devices) are connected at different points or positions along the network. All signals pass through each of the devices. 
  • Each device has a unique identity and can recognize those signals intended for it. It is easy and simple to design and implement 
  • in bus topology all computer are connected by a single length of cabiling which a rerminator at each in the bus topology is the simplest and widly use network design. 

Advantages of BUS TOPOLOGY

  1. Easy to implement and extend 
  2. Well suited for temporary or small networks not requiring high speeds 
  3. Cheaper than other topologies. 
  4. Cost effective as only a single cable is used. 
  5. Cable faults are easily identified. 

Disadvantages of BUS TOPOLOGY

  1. Limited cable length and number of stations. 
  2. If there is a problem with the cable, the entire network goes down. 
  3. Maintenance costs may be higher in the long run. 
  4. It works best with limited number of nodes. 
  5. It is slower than the other topologies. 


This is a network topology containing 0 or more nodes that are linked together in a herichickel fashion the top most node is called the root the root may have 0 or more child nodes connected by links.



in this method of connection 0 or more nodes are linked together in an orbiter fashion any two nodes in a graph may be connected by a link



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