

Computer Related Term Full Form, Abbreviation

 ABC – Attanasaff Berry Computer. 

ALGOL – ALGOrithmic Language. 

ALU – Airthmatic Logic Unit. 

ARP - Address Resolution Protocol. 

ASCII – American Stander Code for Information Interchange. 

ASP – Active Server Page. 

ATM – Automatic Tailer Machine / Asynchronos Transfer Mode. 

BASIC – Beginners Allpurpose Symbolic Instruction Code. 

BCC – Blind Carbon Copy. 

BCD – Binary Coded Decimal. 

BGP/EGP – Border Gateway Protocol / Exteriur Gateway Protocol. 

BS – Booting Sequence . 

CAD – Computer Aided Design. 

CAM – Computer Aided Manufacturing. 

CC – Carbon Copy. 

CD – Compact Disk . 

CGA – Cathod Graphics Adapter . 

COBOL – COmon Buisness Oriented Language. 

CPU – Central Processing Unit . 

CRT – Cathod Ray Tube. 

CU – Control Unit. 

DAT – Digital Audio Tape . 

DBMS – Data Base Management System. 

DIPS – Data Information Process System . 

DOS – Disk Operating System.

DPI – Dot Per Inches . 

DVD – Digital Versatile Disk .

EBCDIC – Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. 

EDVAC – Electronic Discreat Variable Automatic Compueter. 

EEPROM- Electrically EPROM. • EGA – Enhansed Graphics Adapter. 

ENIAC – Electronic Numaric Integrater Automatic Computer. 

EPROM – Erasable PROM. 

FAT – File Alocation Table. 

FDD – Floppy Disk Drive . 

FDDI – Fiber Distributed Data Interface. 

FEP – Font End Processer . 

FIFO – First In First Out. 

FMS – File Management System. 

FORTRAN – FORmula TRANslation. 

FPD – Flate Panel Display . 

FTP – File Transfer Protocol . 

GUI – Graphical User Interface. 

HDD – Hard Disk Drive. 

HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language . 

HTTP – Hyper Test Transfer Protocol. 

HW – HardWare. 

ICMP – Internet Control Message Protocol. 

IIS – Internet Information Server. 

IMAP 4 – Internet Message Advertising Protocol Four. 

IP - Internet Protocol. 

ISDN – Intigrated Services Digital Network.

ISP – Internet Service Provider. 

KIPS – Knowladge Information Process System. 

LAN – Local Area Network . 

LCD – Liquied Cristal Display. 

LILO – Last In Last Out. 

LIPS – Logic Information Process System. 

MAN – Manipulating Area Network. 

MICR – Magnetic Ink Character Recogination. 

MIME – Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension . 

MIPS – Mega Instruction Per Second . 

OCR – Optical Character Reader. 

OMR – Optical Mark Reader. 

OOP – Object Oriented Programming . 

OSPF - Open Shortest Path First. 

PC – Persnal Computer . 

PD – Plasma Display . 

PL – Programming Language. 

POP3 - Post Office Protocol. Three 

PPP- Point to Point Protocol. 

PRIMENET – PRIME Computer NETwork. 

PROM – Programable ROM. 

RAM – Random Access Memory . 

RIP - Routing Information Protocol. 

ROM – Read Only Memory . 

SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocl. 

SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol. 

SQL – Structerd Query Language .

SVGA – Super Vedio Graphics Adapter. 

SW –SoftWare. 

TCP - Transmisson Control Protocol. 

TFT – Thin Film Transistor. 

TTT – Touch Ton Terminal. 

ULSI – Ultra Large Scale Integration. 

UPC – Universal Product Code. 

UPS – Ultra Power Supply.  

UUCP – Unix to Unix Copy. 

VDU – Visual Display Unit. 

VGA – Vedio Graphics Adapter. 

VLSI – Vere Large Scale Integration . 

VLT – Vedio Lookup Table. 

VRML – Virtual Reality Moduling Language. 

VTR – Vedio Tape Recorder. 

WAN – Wide Area Network. 

WWW – World Wide Web . 

XGA – eXtended Graphics Adapter. 

XML- Xtensible Markup Language.


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