Computer Architecture And Organization MCQ
1. Decode is the step during which
instruction is ________:
a. Initialized
b. Incremented
c. Decoded
d. Both b & c
2. The instruction fetch operation is
initiated by loading the contents of program counter into the and sends request to memory:
a. Memory register and read
b. Memory register and write
c. Data register and read
d. Address register and read
3. The contents of the program counter is
the _________ of the instruction to be run:
a. Data
b. Address
c. Counter
d. None of these
4. The instruction read from memory is then
placed in the and contents of program counter is so that it contains the
address of instruction in the program:
a. Program counter, incremented and next
b. Instruction register, incremented and
c. Instruction register, incremented and
d. Address register, decremented and next
5. Execution of instruction specified by
instruction to perform:
a. Operation
b. Operands
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
6. Which is method used most simple and
a. Parity check method
b. Error detecting method
c. Both
d. None of these
7. Which is the method of parity:
a. Even parity method
b. Odd parity method
c. Both
d. None of these
8. The ability of a code to detect single
errors can be stated in term of the :
a. Concept of distance
b. Even parity
c. Odd parity
d. None of these
9. The first n bit of a code word called ________ may be any of the 2n n- bit string minimum error bit:
a. Information bits
b. String bits
c. Error bits
d. All of these
10. A code in which the total number of 1s
in a valid (n+1) bit code word is even, this is called an ______ :
a. Even parity code
b. Odd parity code
c. Both
d. None of these
11. The list of specific instruction
supported by the CPU is termed as bits_______:
a. Instruction code
b. Parity set
c. Instruction set
d. None of these
12. ---------- is divided into a number of
fields and is represented as a sequence of bits:
a. instruction
b. instruction set
c. instruction code
d. parity code
13. Which unit is necessary for the
execution of instruction:
a. Timing
b. Control
c. Both
d. None of these
14. Which unit provide status, timing and
control signal:
a. Timing and control unit
b. Memory unit
c. Chace unit
d. None of these
15. Which unit acts as the brain of the
computer which control other peripherals and interfaces:
a. Memory unit
b. Cache unit
c. Timing and control unit
d. None of these
16. IRET stand for:
a. Interrupt enter
b. Interrupt return
c. Interrupt delete
d. None of these
17. Which are benefit of input/output
a. It is an external analogy to exceptions
b. The processor initiates and perform all
I/O operation
c. The data is transferred into the memory
through interrupt handler
d. All of these
18. Which are the not causes of the
a. In any single device
b. In processor poll devices
c. It is an external analogy to
d. None of these
19. Which are the causes of the interrupt:
a. In any single device
b. In processor poll devices
c. In a device whose ID number is stored on
the address bus
d. All of these
20. Which are the functioning of I/O
a. The processor organizes all the I/O
operation for smooth functioning
b. After completing the I/O operation the
device interrupt the processor
c. Both
d. None of these
21. Which is the most important component
of a digit computer that interprets the instruction and processes the data
contained in computer programs:
a. MU
b. ALU
c. CPU
d. PC
22. Which part work as a the brain of the
computer and performs most of the calculation:
a. MU
b. PC
c. ALU
d. CPU
23. Which is the main function of the
a. Execute of programs
b. Execution of programs
c. Both
d. None of these
24. How many major component make up the
a. 4
b. 3
c. 6
d. 8
25. Which register holds the current
instruction to be executed:
a. Instruction register
b. Program register
c. Control register
d. None of these
26. Which register holds the next
instruction to be executed:
a. Instruction register
b. Program register
c. Program control register
d. None of these
27. Each instruction is also accompanied by
a :
a. Microprocessor
b. Microcode
c. Both
d. None of these
28. Which are microcomputers commonly used
for commercial data processing, desktop publishing and engineering application:
a. Digital computer
b. Personal computer
c. Both
d. None of these
29. Which microprocessor has the control
unit, memory unit and arithmetic and logic unit:
a. Pentium IV processor
b. Pentium V processor
c. Pentium III processor
d. None of these
30. The processing speed of a computer
depends on the of the system:
a. Clock speed
b. Motorola
c. Cyrix
d. None of these
31. Which microprocessor is available with
a clock speed of 1.6 GHZ:
a. Pentium III
b. Pentium II
c. Pentium IV
d. All of these
32. Which processor are used in the most
personal computer:
a. Intel corporation’s Pentium
b. Motorola corporation’s
c. Both
d. None of these
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- Computer Architecture And Organization MCQ