

Different Types of Object-Oriented Languages

Some languages Object-Oriented are: 


By the 1960s, programmers realized that programming systems needed to be broken up into small, manageable pieces. The introduction of Simula-67 brought with it the first true programming object, classes and a form of inheritance: therefore, Simula is an important milestone in any discussion on 0-0 programming languages. 


Many consider that the first truly O-O language was Smalltalk, developed at the Learning Research Group at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Centre in the early 1970s. In Smalltalk. everything is really an object that enforces the 0-0 paradigm. It is virtually impossible to write a program in Smalltalk that is not 0-0. This is not the case for Other languages that support objects, such as C++ and Visual Basic (and Java, for that matter). 

Smalltalk is actually much more than a programming language, i.e., it is a programming environment. In fact. Smalltalk is an interactive environment that interprets code on-the-fly. One can actually change the parameters and code of a program while the program is running. 


Although Smalltalk gave 0-0 development a certain amount of legitimacy in the marketplace, it took C++ to bring 0-0 development what it really needed: widespread acceptance in the marketplace. For this reason, C-H may well be the most important O-O language. 

C++ has its roots in a project to simulate software running on a distributed system. This simulator. actually written in Simula, is where Bjarne Stroustrup conceived Of the Idea of combining some of the features of Simula with the syntax of C. 


Java's origins are In consumer electronics. In 1991, Sun Microsystems began to investigate how it might exploit this growing market. Sometime later, James Gosling was investigating the possibility Of creating a hardware-independent software platform for just this purpose. Initially, he attempted to use C++ but soon abandoned C-H and began the creation of a new language he dubbed Oak.

C# .NET: 

Microsoft responded to the popularity of Java by producing a version of Java called Visual J++. However. Microsoft decided on a more comprehensive response. Using many of the ground-breaking that Java implemented, Microsoft developed a language called that became the foundation for the companies. .NET platform. As with Java, relied heavily on the success and failures of earlier languages. 

The .NET development environment includes many of the really good characteristics of several other platforms. like Java. uses C/C++ syntax. C# incorporates many of concepts introduced by the initial Java released. The C# platform also builds upon many Of the powerful features of the VB6 and Visual C++ environments.