

Write Note- 1. Privacy 2.Authentication 3.Integrity

  1. Privacy: Privacy refers to the ability of individuals or groups to keep their personal information and data confidential and protected from unauthorized access or use. In the context of information technology, privacy is a major concern, as personal data can be easily accessed, shared, and even stolen. Ensuring privacy is important for protecting personal information, maintaining trust in digital services, and preventing identity theft and fraud.

  2. Authentication: Authentication refers to the process of verifying the identity of a user, device, or system before granting access to resources or services. Authentication is important for ensuring security and preventing unauthorized access, as it ensures that only authorized individuals or devices can access sensitive information or perform certain actions. Common authentication methods include passwords, biometric identification (such as fingerprint or facial recognition), and two-factor authentication (such as using a password and a security token).

  3. Integrity: Integrity refers to the quality of data being complete, accurate, and unaltered. In the context of information technology, data integrity is crucial for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of information, as well as for maintaining the trust of users and stakeholders. Data can be compromised in a number of ways, including through cyberattacks, human error, and technical malfunctions. To ensure data integrity, various security measures are implemented, including encryption, access controls, and data backups.