

What Are The SQL Constructs To Modify The Structure Of Tables, Views And To Destroy The Tables And Views?

In SQL, there are several constructs that allow you to modify the structure of tables and views, as well as to destroy tables and views. Here are some of the common SQL commands used for these purposes:

  1. ALTER TABLE - This command allows you to modify the structure of an existing table, such as adding or deleting columns, changing data types, or modifying constraints.

  2. CREATE TABLE - This command allows you to create a new table in the database. You can specify the table name, column names, data types, and constraints.

  3. CREATE VIEW - This command allows you to create a virtual table based on a SQL query. Views do not contain actual data, but instead provide a way to retrieve data from one or more tables using a simplified query.

  4. DROP TABLE - This command allows you to delete an entire table and all its data. Be careful when using this command, as it cannot be undone.

  5. DROP VIEW - This command allows you to delete a view that was previously created using the CREATE VIEW command.

  6. RENAME TABLE - This command allows you to rename an existing table.

  7. TRUNCATE TABLE - This command allows you to delete all the data in a table, while keeping the table structure intact.

These are some of the common SQL constructs used for modifying and destroying tables and views in a database. It's important to use these commands with care, as they can have a significant impact on the data stored in the database.