

Python: Command Line Arguments

  •  argv is not Array it is a List. It is available sys Module.
  • The Argument which are passing at the time of execution are called Command Line Arguments.
Command Line Arguments

Within the Python Program this Command Line Arguments are available in argv. Which is present in SYS Module.

Command Line Arguments

Program: To check type of argv from sys

import argv

D:\Python_classes\py test.py

Write a Program to display Command Line Arguments

1) from sys import argv 
2) print(“The Number of Command Line Arguments:”, len(argv)) 
3) print(“The List of Command Line Arguments:”, argv) 
4) print(“Command Line Arguments one by one:”) 
5) for x in argv: 
6) print(x) 
8) D:\Python_classes>py test.py 10 20 30 
9) The Number of Command Line Arguments: 4 
10) The List of Command Line Arguments: [‘test.py’, ‘10’,’20’,’30’] 
11) Command Line Arguments one by one: 
12) test.py 
13) 10 
14) 20 
15) 30 

1) from sys import argv 
2) sum=0 
3) args=argv[1:] 
4) for x in args : 
5) n=int(x) 
6) sum=sum+n 
7) print("The Sum:",sum) 
9) D:\Python_classes>py test.py 10 20 30 40 
10) The Sum: 100


1) from sys import argv 
2) print(argv[1]) 
4) D:\Python_classes>py test.py Sunny Leone 
5) Sunny 
7) D:\Python_classes>py test.py 'Sunny Leone' 
8) 'Sunny 
10) D:\Python_classes>py test.py "Sunny Leone" 
11) Sunny Leone


1) from sys import argv 
2) print(argv[1]+argv[2]) 
3) print(int(argv[1])+int(argv[2])) 
5) D:\Python_classes>py test.py 10 20 
6) 1020 
7) 30 


1) from sys import argv 
2) print(argv[100]) 
4) D:\Python_classes>py test.py 10 20 
5) IndexError: list index out of range

output statements:

We can use print() function to display output.

Form-1: print() without any argument

Just it prints new line character


1) print(String): 
2) print("Hello World") 
3) We can use escape characters also 
4) print("Hello \n World") 
5) print("Hello\tWorld") 
6) We can use repetetion operator (*) in the string 
7) print(10*"Hello") 
8) print("Hello"*10) 
9) We can use + operator also 
10) print("Hello"+"World") 

Form-3: print() with variable number of arguments:

1. a,b,c=10,20,30 
2. print("The Values are :",a,b,c) 
4. OutputThe Values are : 10 20 30 

By default output values are seperated by space.If we want we can specify seperator by using "sep" attribute

1. a,b,c=10,20,30 
2. print(a,b,c,sep=',') 
3. print(a,b,c,sep=':') 
5. D:\Python_classes>py test.py 
6. 10,20,30 
7. 10:20:30 

Form-4:print() with end attribute:

1. print("Hello") 
2. print("Durga") 
3. print("Soft") 


1. Hello 
2. Durga 
3. Soft 

If we want output in the same line with space

1. print("Hello",end=' ') 
2. print("Durga",end=' ') 
3. print("Soft") 

Output: Hello Durga Soft

Form-7: print(formatted string):

%i => int
%d => int
%f => float
%s => String type

"Python Argparse"

"Python Command Line Arguments Parser"

"Python Command Line Arguments List"

"Python Command Line Arguments Example"

"Python Command Line Arguments Library"

"Python Command Line Options"