

Parts of Microsoft Word 2007 - With New Features

Microsoft Word 2007 – With New Features

Microsoft Word 2007 is the most recent Windows version of the Microsoft Office System.

Following are some new features of Microsoft Word 2007:

Microsoft Word 2007 – With New Features

User interface: 

The new user interface (UI), officially known as Fluent User Interface, has been implemented in the core Microsoft Office applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and in the item inspector used to create or edit individual items in Outlook.


The Ribbon, a panel that houses a fixed arrangement of command buttons and icons, organizes commands as a set of tabs, each grouping relevant commands, and is not customizable. Each application has a different set of tabs which expose the functionality that application offers.

Microsoft Word 2007 – With New Features

The ‘Ribbon User Interface’ is a task-oriented Graphical User Interface (GUI). It features a central menu button, widely known as the ‘Office Button’. The Ribbon is designed to make the features of the application more discoverable and accessible with fewer mouse clicks as compared to the menu-based UI used prior to Office 2007.

Contextual Tabs: 

Some tabs, called Contextual Tabs, appear only when certain objects are selected. Contextual Tabs expose functionality specific only to the object with focus. For example, selecting a picture brings up the Pictures tab, which presents options for dealing with the picture. Similarly, focusing on a table exposes table-related options in a specific tab.

Live Preview: 

Microsoft Office 2007 also introduces a feature called “Live Preview”, which temporarily applies formatting on the focused text or object when any formatting button is moused-over.

Mini Toolbar: 

The new “Mini Toolbar” is a type of context menu that is automatically shown (by default) when text is selected. The purpose of this feature is to provide easy access to the most-used formatting commands without requiring a right-mouse-button click, as was necessary in older versions of the software. Because the Mini Toolbar is automatically displayed, it remains semi-transparent until the mouse pointer is situated on the control in order to allow an almost-unobstructed view of what is beneath it. It also appears above the right-click menu when a user right-clicks on a selection of words. The Mini Toolbar is currently not customizable, but can be turned off.

Quick Access Toolbar: 

The Quick Access toolbar, which sits in the title bar, serves as a repository of most used functions, regardless of which application is being used, such as save, undo/redo and print. The Quick Access toolbar is customizable, although this feature is limited compared to toolbars in previous Office versions.


Initially, Microsoft promised to support exporting to Portable Document Format (PDF) in Office 2007.

Open Document: 

Microsoft backs an open-source effort to support OpenDocument in Office 2007, as well as earlier versions (up to Office 2000), through a converter add-in for Word, Excel and PowerPoint and also a command-line utility.

User assistance system: 

In Microsoft Office 2007, the Office Assistants have been eliminated in favour of a new online help system.

Themes and Quick Styles: 

Microsoft Office 2007 places more emphasis on Document Themes and Quick Styles. The Document Theme defines the colors, fonts and graphic effects for a document. Almost everything that can be inserted into a document is automatically styled to match the overall document theme creating a consistent document design.

To Start MS-Word – Using the Windows Start Menu

Click on the Start button, point to Programs, followed by Microsoft Office and click on

Microsoft Office Word 2003/Microsoft Office Word 2007.

Note: For Office previous version of Office: Start ® Programs ® MS Office ® MS word.



Style Menu

Allows you to define a group of paragraph and character formats as a  style  and then the styles in a style sheet.

Font Menu

Click the arrowhead to the right of the font name box to view the list of fonts

available. Scroll down to the font you want and click once to select it.

Font Size

Click on the white part of the font size box to enter a value for the font size or click the arrowhead to the right of the box to view a list of font sizes available. Select a size by clicking on it once. A font size of 10 or 12 is best for

paragraphs of text.

Font Style

Use these buttons to bold, italic and underline the selected text.


Text can be aligned to the left, center or right side of the page or it can be

justified and distributed across the page.

Line Spacing

Allows you to set the amount of space between one line to another line.


It is used to set-off and emphasize sections of text and are presented by dots

or numbers.


Change the indentation of a paragraph in relation to the side of the page.

Outside Border

Add a border around selected text.


Use this option to change the color behind a selected text. The color shown on the button is the last color used. To select a different color, click the

arrowhead next to the button.

Font Color

This option changes the color of the text. The color shown on the button is the last color chosen. Click the arrowhead next to the button to select another


Status Bar

Also called the Status Area, this is normally the last line on your screen. This gives the following information about your work:

l. Current Page
2. Section Number
3. Current/total pages in the document
4. Current cursor Position (where the cursor is presently located)
5. Current Line Number
6. Current Column Number


The Ruler lets you make changes to margins and indents and helps you create document as per dimensions required.


Also called “Insertion Pointer”, this denotes the place where text, graphics or any other item would be placed when you type, overwrite or insert them. This looks like a tall, skinny toothpick and keeps blinking so that you can locate it easily.
Mouse Pointer

When your mouse pointer looks like an I-beam you should be able to move it freely about the screen. This is used for either placing the cursor at the desired place (take the mouse pointer there and click) or choosing any command either from the menu or from toolbars. The mouse pointer changes shape when in the process of doing certain tasks and the cursor disappears.

Short Cut Menu

A menu that is displayed for a selected object (also referred to as a context menu or pop-up menu). The menu contains commands that are contextually relevant to the selection.


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