



Cloud of Clouds (Intercloud)

  • Intercloud or 'cloud of clouds’-refer to a theoretical model for cloud computing services.
  • Combining many different individual clouds into one seamless mass in terms of on-demand operations.
  • The intercloud would simply make sure that a cloud could use resources beyond its reach.
  • Taking advantage of pre-existing contracts with other cloud providers.
  • Every single cloud does not have infinite physical resources or ubiquitous geographic footprint.
  • A cloud may be saturated to the computational and storage resources of its infrastructure.
  • It would still be able to satisfy such requests for service allocations sent from its clients.
  • A single cloud cannot always fulfill the requests or provide required services.
  • When two or more clouds have to communicate with each other, or another intermediary comes into play and federates the resources of two or more clouds.
  • In inter-cloud, the intermediary is known as a “cloud broker” or simply “broker.”
  • A broker is the entity that introduces the cloud service customer (CSC) to the cloud service provider (CSP)

Inter-Cloud Resource Management Consists of

  • Extended Cloud Computing Services
  • Resource Provisioning and Platform Management
  • Virtual Machine Creation and Management
  • Global Exchange of Cloud Resources
Six layers of cloud services and their providers
Six layers of cloud services and their providers

Six layers of cloud services

  1. Software as a Service(SaaS)
  2. Platform as a Service(PaaS)
  3. Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS)
  4. Hardware / Virtualization Cloud Services(HaaS)
  5. Network Cloud Services (NaaS)
  6. Collocation Cloud Services(LaaS)
  • The top layer offers SaaS which provides cloud application.
  • PaaS sits on top of IaaS infrastructure.
  • The bottom three layers are more related to physical requirements.
  • The bottommost layer provides Hardware as a Service (HaaS).
  • NaaS is used for interconnecting all the hardware components.
  • Location as a Service (LaaS), provides security to all the physical hardware and network resources. This service is also called as Security as a Service.
  • The cloud infrastructure layer can be further subdivided as
    • Data as a Service (DaaS)
    • Communication as a Service (CaaS)
    • Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS)
  • Cloud players are divided into three classes:
    • Cloud service providers and IT administrators
    • Software developers or vendors
    • End users or business users.