

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) In Computer Graphics | Advantage and Disadvantages


cathode ray tube (CRT) in computer graphics

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) In Computer Graphics | Advantage and Disadvantages

This is a vacuum glass tube capable of converting a computer’s electrical signals into variable images at high speed.

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)

In CRT, when the cathode is heated it emits electrons which after passing through the focusing and deflection plats gets a strike on the phosphor-coated screen and as the electron strikes the screen they give their energy to the phosphor, which causes a few photons to be generated, and results in our seeing a spot on the CRT’s face.

Advantages of Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)

1) High resolution and fast response.

2) a Large number of colors.

3) Inexpensive technology.

4) Wide angle, high contrast, and brightness.

Disadvantages of Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)

1) It is physically large and heavy.

2) High power consumption.

3) Geometrical errors at the boundary edges.

4) It has no memory effect, i.e., flickering at 50-80 Hz.