

Type of Distributed Database Architectures


Type of Distributed Database Architectures

There are three types of distributed DBMS architectures:

There are three types of distributed DBMS architectures:

Client Server Architecture

Client server architecture of distributed DBMS, there are one or client processes and one or multiple server processes. The client process can send query to any one server process. The clients acts as user interface and could run on a PC and send queries to a server. The server manages the data and executes transactions and generally run on a manages mainframe system.

While designing the client server applications, the boundary must be drawn between the client and the server so that the communication between them is set oriented.

The client/server architecture was developed to deal with computing environments in which a large number of PCs, workstations, file servers, printers, database servers, web servers, and other equipment are connected via a network. The idea is to define specialized servers with specific functionalities

logical Two-tier clien-server architecture

The concept of client/server architecture assumes an underlying framework that consists of many PCs and workstations as well as a smaller number of mainframe machines, connected via local area networks and other types of computer networks.

A client in this framework is typically a user machine that provides user interface capabilities and local processing. When a client requires access to additional functionality— such as database access — that does not exist at that machine, it connects to a server that provides the needed functionality.

A server is a machine that can provide services to the client machines, such as file access, printing, archiving, or database access. 

logical three-tier clien-server architecture