

Advantages of DBMS (Database Management System)

Due to its centralized nature, the database system can overcome the disadvantages of the file system-based system

Data independency: 

Application program should not be exposed to details of data representation and storage DBMS provides the abstract view that hides these details. 

Efficient data access.: 

DBMS utilizes a variety of sophisticated techniques to store and retrieve data efficiently. 

Data integrity and security: 

Data is accessed through DBMS, it can enforce integrity constraints. E.g.: Inserting salary information for an employee. 

Data Administration: 

When users share data, centralizing the data is an important task, Experience professionals can minimize data redundancy and perform fine tuning which reduces retrieval time. 

Concurrent access and Crash recovery: 

DBMS schedules concurrent access to the data. DBMS protects user from the effects of system failure. 6. Reduced application development time. DBMS supports important functions that are common to many applications.

Advantages of DBMS 

  • Segregation of applicaion program. 
  • Minimal data duplicacy or data redundancy. 
  • Easy retrieval of data using the Query Language. 
  • Reduced development time and maintainance need. 
  • With Cloud Datacenters, we now have Database Management Systems capable of storing almost infinite data. 
  • Seamless integration into the application programming languages which makes it very easier to add a database to almost any application or website.

Advantages of DBMS 

Now that we have known what is a DBMS, we can easily list down the advantages of a DBMS. Some of these advantages are: 

Reduced Data Redundancy 

In early data processing systems, each program had its own data file. This led to the duplication of data across organization. Data Redundancy is reduced in a DBMS to a great extent as the database consists of an integrated set of files. Therefore, in a typical database the employee information like the employee number, name, address, joining date, salary, etc. is stored only once but can be accessed by different programs, departments or users at any time. Also, since the data is stored at a central location, every one uses the data in the same format. 

Inconsistency is avoided 

Data Redundancy in the organization led to inconsistency of data. Let us take an example to illustrate this point. The employee detail DESIGNATION is needed by the “Payroll” and “Employee Training” departments. Let us further suppose that both of these departments have their own data. Let us suppose that the designation of an employee changed, but the change was done only by the Payroll department in their data file. This means that the data is inconsistent 10 as it shows the same employee with two designations. Since data redundancy is reduced in a DBMS, inconsistency too is avoided. 

Reduced Programming effort 

During the early days of data processing, for even a small task like retrieving employee number and name, a program had to be written. Most of such requirements in a DBMS can be handled without any extra programming effort. DBMS have some in-built functions to take care of such basic tasks. But, in case of a complex query programming is required. Many DBMSs come with an in-built query language which is English-like and hence is easy to learn and use. Writing a program in such a language is therefore, does not require much of effort. 

Data Independence

In the early days of data processing, data and programs were tightly bound to each other. Therefore, any change made to the data structure would trigger the changes to be made to all the programs that access it. But in a DBMS, data is independent of the application programs using it. DBMS relieves the users from the responsibility of knowing the physical details of data. The user need to know only the logical content of data. Therefore, any change done to the data structure will not imply that changes should be done to all the application programs that access the data. 

Cost Reduction 

Many DBMS packages prove to be quite costly in the beginning because of high initial investment. But in a long run they reduce the cost of the entire business operation. This reduction in cost is because of all the factors discussed above. For example, it can be said that because the data can be accessed faster and less programming is required to retrieve data, the overall operation is enhanced in a DBMS. And as a result there is an accompanying cost benefit. 


Security and data integrity are vital to the success of a database. Data must be safeguarded against any type of damage, whether it is system failure, human error, a natural calamity or intentional mischief. Many DBMS provide the users with the facility of taking backups. Logging is another technique in which every change made to the database is recorded on a separate log. This log is maintained on a separate storage device from that on which the database is stored. In case of any failure, data can be recovered from this log.

Many DBMS provide the user with the facility of a username and a password to connect to the database. Then, depending on the user’s rights, restricted access is provided to the database. 

Multi-user support and Distributed Processing 

Almost all of the DBMSs today support multiple users. This means that more than one user might attempt to change the same data at the same time. In such a situation the DBMS must use the concept of concurrency control . Some database management systems allow the users to retrieve information from remotely located databases. The connection in such a case is made via ordinary telephone lines or satellite links. In many applications like railway or airline reservation systems distributed processing is indispensable. 

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