

Question For Parallel Database

Question For Parallel Database

Very Short Answer type Questions 

  1. What do you mean by parallel databases? 
  2. Define query parallelism. 
  3. Write the advantages of inter-query parallelism. 
  4. Define selection operation. 
  5. What is independent parallelism?

Short Answer type Questions 

  1. What is the role of parallel execution? 
  2. Give the design of parallel systems. 
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of parallel databases? 
  4. Discuss about the inter-operation parallelism. 

Long Answer type Questions 

  1. Explain the architecture of parallel database system. 
  2. What are the various elements of parallel database processing? Explain. 
  3. Discuss the various data partitioning techniques. 
  4. Explain the different examples of infra-operational parallelism.